Moto Mom Files: Simple Food Ideas to Take to the Race Track
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When you’re at the track or other outdoor event all day or weekend, it’s nice to have a good stash of food to serve the family. Concession prices are usually outrageous and the line is a mile long.
Having been a “moto” mom for several years, I’ve learned a lot about the art of packing lots of food in a limited amount of space. It’s not easy, but it can be done. Let’s talk about some killer food ideas to take to the race track!!

Come Prepared – Cool Food Related Items
Whether it’s at the race track or any other event where you’ll be outdoors all day, there are some items that make traveling and cooking easier. However, packing compact will be your biggest challenge so it definitely needs addressed in advance.
Personally, I prefer a portable griddle for our grilling needs. You can cook anything from pancakes to hamburgers. In addition, reheating is also extremely easy. Since they are rectangular shaped and quite compact, storage isn’t an issue.
Click pic for more info – Cool Food Related Items
If you aren’t into the griddles, there are some nice options in standard portable grills as well. The Napoleon O-Grill is a great example of an easily storable high quality grill.
Click pic for more info – Cool Food Related Items
Just to add, my family has personally owned the grills listed above and both are great choices. Most importantly, if you do bring the grill, don’t forget your propane bottles, grill brush or scraper and grilling utensil set.
Let’s admit it. It’s a struggle traveling with bread. My kids will take a loaf of bread from zero to squashed in mere seconds. Consequently, I was super excited to discover the bread container. It is an item that definitely comes with us every time we go to a track.
Click pic for more info – Cool Food Related Items
Another item related to the bread container, is the party platter container. Taking fresh veggies and dip or cheese and pepperoni to the track is an excellent idea. Moreover, this container can keep them neatly in the cooler.
When you go to the track, you really need to bring a cooler. Keeping your drinks and food cold is a necessity. We personally use Yeti coolers because the ice lasts forever (not literally). Whether you choose a regular cooler or a bag cooler mostly depends on the amount of space you have available.
Everyone has similar yet very different spacing when it comes to packing things up to travel. Therefore, the tubs you choose are going to have to be personalized to your situation. For example, the tub below could be used as storage under a rear seat.
Click pic for more info – Cool Food Related Items
Tubs can be used to store paper plates, aluminum foil, silverware, grill utensils, seasonings and anything else you need to create your meals. Furthermore, they keep everything dry!

Race Track Food – Meal Ideas
Now let’s delve into some meal ideas to take to the race track for your family. During a day at the track, it’s nice to have a few quick meals as well as some snacks. Unless you have a motorhome, it’s difficult to get too fancy but you don’t have to eat at the concession all weekend either.
Pre-frozen meals are the biggest life saver for me when it comes to bringing food to the track. For example, you can make your meals in advance, freeze them then let them unthaw at the track. Put them in your cooler and they will also substitute as ice until they unthaw.
Click pic for more info – Race Track Food
Additionally, a vacuum sealer like the one shown is highly recommended to freeze your meals. Simply cook the meal, let it cool down, then vacuum seal and put it in the freezer. When you’re ready to eat, pour the bag contents into a throw away metal pan and reheat on your grill or griddle. Below are some meal ideas to bring frozen to the track.
✔ Sloppy Joes – Manwich or homemade sloppy joes freeze great and are a family favorite food. Just reheat the joes in a metal pan on your griddle or grill.
✔ Taco Meat – Walking tacos have turned into a track favorite. However, you don’t need to pay concession prices. Add some taco meat to small bags of Doritos or corn chips (along with your favorite toppings) and you have a great meal!
✔ Stir-fry – Stir fry meals do really well when you freeze them and are super healthy. Furthermore, you have a ton of ingredient options such as chicken, beef, mushrooms, peppers and onions.

Since it takes up very little space and can be heated easily, canned food is a great option for the track. For instance, if you’re bringing hot dogs to eat, you can get canned hot dog sauce and heat it up (in the can) on the grill. If you choose to heat food up in the can, remove the paper label and crack the lid (to reduce pressure). Examples of canned food you could take include:
✔ Fruits such as canned pineapple or mixed fruit.
✔ Canned pasta
✔ Beans or other side dishes
✔ Canned meats such as Vienna Sausages
Meats such as hot dogs and smoked sausages are a great choice because they’re fast to cook and come in convenient packaging for coolers. Typically if I bring meats or cheeses in my cooler, I package them in a Ziplok bag (sometimes 2). Furthermore, you can vacuum seal meats, freeze and keep them in your cooler until they unthaw.
✔ Hot dogs, smoked sausages, kielbasa or any other prepackaged meat. Grocery stores usually have vacuum sealed pork loins too that are already seasoned. Bacon is also another great traveling meat.
✔ Vacuum seal your own meats such as ribs, chicken or pork chops. Freeze them and they will substitute as ice until they unthaw in the cooler
✔ Deli meats such as turkey breast or ham (packaged in Ziploks)
Click pic for more info – Folding Easy to Store Table – Race Track Food
✔ Kabobs – Add some cut up chicken, shrimp, beef and veggies to a vacuum sealed bag with Italian dressing. Seal the bag (without vacuuming) and put it in your cooler. Heat up the grill, add the pieces on a kabob stick and cook!

✔ Foil Packets – Hobo dinner foil packets are another great choice for trackside meals. Simply bring frozen beef or turkey burger, unthaw in the cooler and combine with veggies such as potatoes and carrots.
In addition to meals, it’s also a good idea to have some snacks on hand. Obviously, healthy snacks are the best option for athletes. Let’s be honest though, sometimes we have to pick our battles. Some trackside snack options include:
✔ Bananas – Due to their high levels of potassium, bananas do a great job in combating muscle cramps and arm pump. Although bananas are a must-have snack, they can cause your bread (and pretty much everything else) to smell / taste like banana. Keep your bananas packaged away from your bread items.
✔ Peanut butter – Recently, peanut butter has started being considered a superfood for athletes (unless you’re allergic). It is also stored easily and can be used on a variety of foods such as a peanut butter sandwich or on bananas.
✔ Cereal tubs – Individual sized sealed cereal cups or boxes make a good space saving breakfast. Pop tarts, donuts and muffins are also good options. Another great choice for breakfast is pancakes. Bring premeasured pancake mix, add water and cook on your griddle.
✔ Other snacks – Chips, crackers, pepperoni rolls, fruits, cookies or any other items of your choice. Trail mix and rice cakes are also healthy snack options
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I hope my list of simple food ideas to take to the race track helps you out! See you at the track! Thanks for visiting Badash Life! Sign up for email updates on your screen ❤
