Moto Mom Tips: Porta Pots At the Motocross Races
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Do you love going to the motocross races but hate using the porta pots? Sure, we all do right? Porta pots have a reputation for being stinky, dirty and just plain gross. Today I’m going to give you some tips I’ve learned as a moto mom to make your porta potty experience a little better.
Where To Put Your Moto Bag or Purse
As I’m sure you know by now, some porta pots have a hook and some do not. Now if you’re like me, you absolutely do not want to put your bag on the floor. It grosses me out just thinking about it. If you’ve entered a pot without a hook, here is what you should do.
- Typically, a porta pot will have a wire cord at the top of the door so that the door doesn’t swing all the way open.
- Take the middle of the cord and put it through a loop on your purse or bag.
- After you put it through the loop, hook it to the screw holding the cord to the door.
- Voila! You now have a place to put your bag!

Don’t Forget Your Own TP and Sanitizer
Let’s face it. There will be many times at a motocross track where you will quickly realize that none of the porta pots have toilet paper. There are some things you can do to avoid being in this awkward position. First of all, any high traffic areas are bound to have high occupancy pots. Finding a porta pot out of these areas will lead to a cleanlier pot and possibly even something to wipe with.

Although carrying around an entire roll of toilet paper is unnecessary, it is a smart idea to carry a pack of tissues or some toilet paper. Storing them in a Ziplok will keep them dry. Furthermore, you won’t always have a sink to wash your hands and many times the sanitizer device will be dry. Bringing a small sanitizer with you just in case is a great idea. Baby wipes is another great item to think about carrying.
Dark Outside = Dark Inside
Ok, some porta pots do have a small light. However, most porta pots do not (and they don’t work well even if they do). This can create a very tricky situation when trying to maneuver around the grottiness in the dark. Remember to carry a small flashlight or “headlight” with you just in case. You can always use the flashlight on your phone too! Just please do not drop your phone in the toilet.
Lock the Door
Nothing can ruin the porta potty experience more than an innocent bystander swinging the door open while you are using the bathroom. Not only will you be very embarrassed, but I can assure you the poor soul who opened the door will be embarrassed too!
We all know that accidents happen and sometimes we just forget. Keep locking the door on your mental list when heading to the pot (and don’t forget to check the TP before you sit down)! And to the men who go to pee in the pot and don’t care about locking the door… trees and truck doors are the proper place for peeing out in public. At least we’ll know what you’re doing and not walk up on you!

Avoid the Splash
Quick tip here. It’s a glorious feeling to be the first one to use a porta pot. However, if there is nothing in the “blue water”, splashing is a real issue. Throw some toilet paper into the water so that the blue stuff doesn’t splash and stain your bum. In addition, I’m pretty sure this stuff contains chemicals you probably don’t want on your skin.
Moto Potty Etiquette (Don’t Forget to Teach Your Kids!!)
Being respectful of others should always be listed in your porta pot handbook. Some of the things I’ve seen in porta pots could cause nightmares. Seriously though, there are some things you should always do (and not do) to keep up on your moto potty etiquette.
- Do not pee in the urinal. I cannot stress this enough. Teach your kids the same. There is nothing more gross than having to maneuver in a porta pot with a huge vat of pee directly in your face when you sit.
- No one wants to see your feminine products, especially used ones. Either put them in the trash or at least make an effort to cover them up.
- Don’t leave trash in the porta pot. Most pots have trash cans close by so use them for their intended purpose.
- RESPECT others. The last race we went to one of the porta pots had the seat literally ripped off the hinges and thrown on the floor. In another pot, someone had done #2 on the seat and edges. Then I see a group of kids shaking the porta pot another kid was using. Come on folks. Please tell me we can do better than this. Try to keep others in mind while using the porta pots and have a discussion about respect with your kids as well.
If you enjoyed this article, check out Moto Mom Files: How to Prepare For a Muddy MX Race!! Above all, I hope you and your family enjoy racing motocross! See you at the track! Thanks for visiting Badash Life and make sure to sign up for email updates on your screen ❤