MX Workout Tips: Fun Exercise Game (Great for Kids!)
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Motocross has often been ranked as one of the most physically demanding sports. Strength and stamina play a big role in your success as a motocross racer, even if you aren’t a pro. But what workout tips can you use to stay fit and how do you keep your routine from becoming boring?
Researching motocross workout tips can be of a great benefit to a racer. Moto kids can especially benefit from having a fun and exciting way to exercise. As a die hard moto mom (x2), I’ve spent a lot of time reading up on what exercises help the most. After some trial and error, we added this fun exercise game into our routine!

Motocross Workout Tips

How to Play
Playing the game is easy! All you need are two dice and the workout list below.
You can play this game with one person or an entire group.
Additionally, you can modify it to suit your needs. For example, each exercise on the list can have a level of difficulty added, you can play the game for different periods of time or you could even create you own list of exercises.
Player 1 rolls both dice and adds up the total rolled. Everyone in the group then does the exercise (of the corresponding number) shown on the workout list (numbered 1 – 12). For example, if you roll an 8, everyone in the group does exercise #8 -15 squats.
The next player only rolls one dice and everyone in the group does the corresponding exercise. After that, keep switching between one dice and two.
Don’t slow down – keeping a good pace is very important! Additionally, you can play this game for as long as you want! We usually set a timer for 15-20 minutes but do what works for you!

How To Do the Exercises
You may be familiar with most of the exercises on the list. If you’re not, then you need to be. We usually write everything down in a notebook. Another way to keep everything organized is with the Motocross Strength and Conditioning Log Book.
1. FROG JUMPS – Frog jumps mainly work the quads, glutes and hip flexors. Not only are the a great exercise, but let’s be real …they are fun!
HOW TO: Stand with your feet a little further apart than shoulder width. Do a 3/4 squat and hop forward about 2 feet back into the squat position. Hop backwards 2 feet into the squat position. Continue hopping until you’ve completed the exercise.
** NOTE – if the kids want to do these like an actual frog, don’t sweat it. That makes the exercise even more difficult. **

Motocross Racing – Workout Tips
2. PUSH UPS – Push ups are a great exercise for motocross. Not only do they work the triceps, shoulders and pectoral muscles, but they also work the lower back and core muscles.
HOW TO: To do the traditional push up, put your hands on the floor shoulder width apart, your toes on the floor behind you and your chest off the floor. Take your chest down to the floor but don’t let it touch. Push back up into the original position.
** NOTE – There are many different variations of the push up. An option for adding difficulty to the exercise are push up bars. **
3. JUMPING JACKS – Jumping Jacks are a great cardio exercise that work the glutes, quads, hip flexors and shoulder muscles. Studies have shown that jumping jacks even strengthen the bones!

HOW TO: Stand up with your legs together and your arms at your side. JUMP! As you’re jumping, spread your legs out to a shoulder width stance and swing your arms over your head. Jump back to the original position and repeat.
4. RUSSIAN TWIST – The Russian twist is an exercise that works the core muscles, shoulders and hips. To be honest, this exercise is not a fan favorite in our house, but it definitely gets the job done. I’ve always had the theory that the exercise you despise the most is the one you should do most often. The kids don’t like my theory.
HOW TO: Let’s go over the basic Russian Twist. Sit on the floor with your knees up and your feet slightly off the ground. Clasp your hand together in front of you and twist from side to side.
** WORKOUT TIP – Holding a medicine ball while doing this exercise adds an additional level of fitness. A medicine ball is a great addition to your equipment and is fun for the kids! **
5. CHILD’S POSE – Ironically, my son added the child’s pose into our routine. At first I wasn’t sure if it was a good fit, but since it is a yoga relaxation position it makes for a nice break. Additionally, child’s pose helps to stretch the back, hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress and fatigue.

HOW TO: Begin on your hands and knees. Spread your knees about shoulder width apart while keeping your big toes touching. Rest your butt on your heels and bow forward with your stomach between your legs. Allow your forehead to come down to the floor. Your arms can either lay behind you at your sides or extended overhead.
** WORKOUT TIP: Many professional motocross racers use a rowing machine in their exercise routine. Moreover, I never realized how affordable and easily storable they actually are. Everyone in our house can use this machine, including my 6 year old. **
6. BURPEE – The burpee is a full body calisthenics exercise that works the legs, hips, buttocks, abs, arms, chest and shoulders. Also, the burpee will give you a great cardio workout.

HOW TO: Start in a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet behind you into a plank position. Immediately return your feet back into the squat position then jump up into the air (arms above head) and back to the squat position.
** WORKOUT TIP: To make this exercise more difficult, add a push up after you get into the plank position **
7. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – Mountain Climbers are great for cardio endurance and core strength. We do this as a timed exercise because it’s a little difficult to keep track of reps.

HOW TO: Get into a plank position. Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can. Switch legs pulling one leg out as the other comes in. Alternate your legs in and out as far and as fast as you can.

8. SQUATS – Health benefits of squats include strengthening the lower body as well as the core muscles. Get the most out of squats by changing up the width of your legs to work different muscles.
HOW TO: Stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Start the movement by sending your hips back like you’re sitting in an invisible chair. Keep your chest up and shoulders back while you’re squatting. Press into your heels and come back up into a standing position.
** WORKOUT TIP: For a more advanced squat, hold dumbbells in your hands while doing the exercise **
9. BUTT KICKS – Butt kicks are a cardio exercise that work your hamstrings and glutes. Additionally, butt kicks stretch the hip flexors as well as the quadriceps, reducing the risk of injury.

HOW TO: With the butt kick, you’re basically jogging in place. However, instead of lifting your knees up, you kick your butt! Make sure you count 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, etc. as you jog.
10. PLANK – The infamous forearm plank looks like an easy move. However, looks can be deceiving. Planks work the core muscles, shoulder stabilizers and glutes. Moreover, planks can even help in building mental toughness.
HOW TO: It’s beneficial to have a yoga mat for this exercise. Get on your stomach and position your elbows directly under your shoulders with your forearms resting on the ground. Then pop up on your toes keeping your body in a straight line and your stomach off the ground. Hold that position until the stop watch timer goes off.
11. WALL SIT – The wall sit is a great exercise that works the quads, glutes, calves and ab muscles. There are a lot of different modifications to this exercise too. Therefore, making the exercise easier or more difficult is a breeze. Also, if you practice enough, you can sign up for one of the many “wall sit challenges.”
HOW TO: Place your back flat against the wall with your feet about 2 feet out in front of you. Next, slide your back down the wall bending your legs until they’re at a 90 degree angle. Finally, HOLD the position until your timer runs out!
** WORKOUT TIP: Another great workout product for motocross racers of any age is the INDO board. Using the INDO board will improve your balance, stability, core strength, Neuromuscular response, agility and coordination …and it’s fun! **
12. CALF RAISES – Calf raises are an easy way to strengthen the muscles running down the back of your legs. Strong calf muscles result in better stability and balance. Additionally, strong calves can prevent some ankle and knee injuries.
HOW TO: You can do calf raises standing or on the ledge of a stable surface. Simply spread your feet shoulder width apart, then slowly raise your heels. Pause for one second then slowly lower your heels back to the ground.
If you enjoyed this article, check out MX Training Facilities: Exclusive List & More!! Above all, I hope you and your family enjoy the Motocross Exercise Game! See you at the track! Thanks for visiting Badash Life and make sure to sign up for email updates on your screen 

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